PennEWB International Project Team Application OPEN NOW!

Posted by on Nov 22, 2011 in Featured, International | 0 comments

We are now selecting two teams to travel to Ngyenmbo, Cameroon in May 2012 and Pajomel, Guatemala in August 2012. The trip will involve a program fee that will qualify for financial aid.  This program fee will cover travel, room, and board.  Additionally, students will receive 2 c.u. for participating in the program.

Applications are due December 3rd at 11:59pm: Click here to apply.

To see what we have done in Cameroon and Guatemala, check out our video: Penn EWB Video


Penn Engineers Without Borders is returning Cameroon for a fourth project in the Bome Valley of the Northwest Region. Since 2007, we have worked with a local NGO to implement two water distribution projects, one sanitation project, and various educational projects. This summer, we hope to extend our outreach to the village of Ngyenmbo where we will work to create a water distribution project. Team members will design and implement a system to bring water to a community of 4,000 people. Possible ideas involve a solar-powered water pump, gravity-fed water distribution system, and wind-powered water pump. We will also be leading an educational component that will focus on sanitation and healthcare. Please contact Mike Magaraci at or Nishant Neel at if you have any questions.


Lake Atitlan is located in the Western Highlands of Guatemala and is characterized by the towns and villages of the Maya people, specifically the Tz’utujil and the Kaqchikel.  This beautiful lake has come under threat of water contamination due to lack of waste water treatment and sewage systems, insufficient filtration, and cyanobacteria. Thus the people of Lake Atitlan are in danger of losing their most precious resource: water.  PennEWB is partnering with Ati’t Ala and the community of Pajomel to implement a sanitation system by building latrines in Pajomel.  We hope to work with the community leaders with support from Ati’t Ala to find solutions to the sanitation needs by designing and constructing an adequate latrine system for the community. We also plan to have an educational component focusing on building and maintaining strong health practices at the community school. If you have any questions, please contact Shivali Khetan at or Nick Pesta at .

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